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Brainspotting Therapy

.. an evolution of EMDR

“Whatever the client was experiencing changed. Images and memories came more quickly. Emotions and body experiences went deeper and moved on more rapidly and easily. Clients also got to observe the process while they were in it. The process was fascinating and still is.”

Brainspotting is a powerful, focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional pain, trauma, anxiety and a variety of other challenging symptoms trapped inside our body.

Much like EMDR, it is based on the profound attunement of the therapist with the patient. It uses that attunement to find somatic cues and extinguish them by down-regulating the amygdala and creating homeostasis. 

In lamens terms, it rewires your brain to stop producing stress chemicals and anxiety when presented with situations that remind your brain of past stressors. This treatment evolved out of the widely known EMDR and is reported to work more effectively and precisely. 

Removing Trauma with Brainspotting Therapy